They both stood before us looking at each other, weeping and I am sure I heard them say to each other, "I love you"! At that particular time I remembered years earlier Don Burton setting before a group of people such as this, with McKenzie Underwood in front of him as he professed to her in front of a different group of people that he was sorry her biological father has passed away much much too young. It was at the wedding of Don and Michelle that he was publicly telling McKenzie that he loved her as he vowed to provide for her, love her and watch over her and her mother from that day forward. You could have heard a pin drop in that church as we all thought how neat it was that he would tell her on her mother's wedding day in front of all those witnesses what his intentions were as he made this promise. Just a few minutes before this memory ran through my mind, Don and McKenzie had made there way, arm and arm to the front on the church so that McKenzie could profess her desire to dedicate her life to Christ and be baptized.
I could not help but think, this man promised to this little girl years earlier that he would provide for her, watch over her and teach her the lessons of life and on this day, years later, he would be a part of one of the most important days of her life, the day she confessed Jesus as her Savior and as he would baptize her. I have known Don for many years and I know he is the type of father that has made absolutly certain that he and Michelle have made a bigger impression on the life of McKenzie that any other individual on this earth by the example they set before her. I had to say to myself, "that is what Christian fathers do, they set standards according to God's word, and then they follow through"
Wow what an example of what God wants a father and Christian to be! Cool! Cool Cool! Way to go McKenzie! We are all proud of you!